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Regulatory Information

This regulatory information provides you with information about Concept Capital Group AG (hereinafter referred to as «Concept Capital» or «Asset Manager»), our measures to avoid assets without contact and dormant assets, the financial services we offer and the associated risks, how we deal with conflicts of interest, compensations and the initiation of mediation proceedings before the Ombudsman's Office as well as the data protection declaration.

We inform you about the costs and fees of the financial services offered in the respective appendix to our asset management agreement.

For information on the risks generally associated with financial instruments, please refer to the brochure «Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments» published by the Swiss Bankers Association. The brochure is available on the Internet under the online link:

This brochure fulfils the information requirements under the Financial Services Act (FinSA) and the Ordinance to the Federal Act on Data Protection (DPO) and is intended to provide you with an overview of the financial services offered by Concept Capital Group  AG and the handling of client data.

Should you require further information, we would be pleased to be at your disposal in a personal meeting.


1.      Information about Concept Capital Group AG

1.1         General information

1.2         Field of activity

1.3         Supervisory status and competent authority and supervisory organization

1.4         Business affiliations

2.      Dormant assets

3.      Financial services offered by Concept Capital

3.1         Portfolio Management

3.1.1          Nature, features and functionalities of the financial service

3.1.2          Rights and obligations

3.2         Execution Only

3.2.1          Nature, features and functionalities of the financial service

3.2.2          Rights and obligations

3.3         Risks

3.4         Market offer taken into account

4.      Conflicts of Interest

4.1         In general

4.2         Compensations from third parties

5.      Ombudsman's offices

6.      Data Privacy Policy


1. Information about Concept Capital Group AG

mation about Concept Capital Group AG

1.1 General information


Concept Capital Group AG

Talacker 41

8001 Zurich


Phone +41 44 512 79 65



Trade Reg. Nr.: CHE-199.478.954

VAT.-Nr.: CHE-199.478.954 MWST



1.2 Field of activity

Concept Capital Group AG has its registered office and place of business in Zürich.

It essentially carries out the following activities:

  • Portfolio Management for retail, professional and institutional clients;

  • Execution-only services for private, professional and institutional clients;

  • Offering financial instruments;

  • Other services: family office services;

For further information on Concept Capital, please refer to our corporate presentation.

1.3 Supervisory status and competent authority and supervisory organization

Concept Capital obtained a license as an asset manager pursuant to Article 17 of the Financial Institutions Act (FinIA). The license is granted by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, Laupenstrasse 27, 3003 Bern. Concept Capital is supervised by AOOS – Schweizerische Aktiengesellschaft für Aufsicht, Clausiusstrasse 50,

8006 Zürich, Switzerland, +41 44 215 98 98,,

1.4 Business affiliations

Concept Capital has no economic associations with third parties which could lead to a conflict of interest.

In particular, Concept Capital is neither legally nor economically part of a group or corporate structure, nor does it maintain any significant ties with third parties.

As an independent asset manager, Concept Capital deliberately works together with several custodian banks.

2. Dormant assets

Occasionally, contacts with clients are broken off and assets subsequently become dormant. Such assets can be permanently forgotten by the clients and their heirs. The following is recommended to avoid loss of contact or dormant assets:

  • Change of address and name: Immediate notification of any change of residence, address or name;

  • Special instructions: Information about longer absences and of any redirection of correspondence to a third-party address as well as of how the client can be reached in urgent cases during this time;

  • Granting of powers of attorney: An authorized person can be designated whom Concept Capital can approach in the event of an interruption of contact;

  • Substitute contacts: It may be advisable to provide the contact details of the legal successors and/or other persons who can be contacted by Concept Capital in the event of a breakdown or loss of contact in order to (re)establish contact with the client or his legal successors. It is the client's responsibility to inform Concept Capital of any changes in the respective contact details;

  • Orientation of trusted persons and testamentary disposition: Another possibility to avoid lack of contact and news is to inform a trusted person about the relationship with the asset manager. However, the asset manager may only provide information to such a trusted person if he or she has been authorized to do so in writing. Furthermore, the assets concerned may be mentioned, for example, in a testamentary disposition.

Concept Capital is available for any questions. Further information can also be found in the brochure «Dormant Assets» published by the Swiss Bankers Association. The brochure is available on the Internet under the online link «Dormant Assets (».

3. Financial services offered by Concept Capital

ices offered by Concept Capital

3.1 Portfolio Management

3.1.1 Nature, features and functionalities of the financial service

In asset management, Concept Capital manages, in the name, for the account and at the risk of the client, assets which the client has deposited with a custodian bank. Concept Capital carries out transactions at his own discretion and without consulting the client. In doing so, Concept Capital ensures that the transaction he executes corresponds to the client's financial circumstances and investment objectives as well as to the investment objectives agreed with the client and ensures that the structuring of the portfolio is suitable for the client.

3.1.2 Rights and obligations

The client has the right that the assets in his portfolio are managed by the asset manager. In doing so, Concept Capital selects the investments within the framework of the considered market offer to be included in the portfolio with due care. Concept Capital shall ensure an appropriate distribution of risk to the extent permitted by the investment strategy. It shall regularly monitor the assets under his management and ensure that the investments are in line with the investment strategy agreed on in the investment profile and are suitable for the client.

Concept Capital shall regularly inform the client about the asset management agreed on and provided to the client.

Pursuant to Art. 72 FinSA, Concept Capital is also obliged to provide the client with a copy of its client file and all documents relating to them at the client's request. By signing the contract, the client agrees that the disclosure may be made electronically.


3.2 Execution Only

3.2.1 Nature, features and functionalities of the financial service

Execution Only refers to all financial services that involve the mere transmission of customer orders by Concept Capital without any advice or administration. In the case of Execution Only, orders are initiated and transmitted to Concept Capital exclusively by the customer. Concept Capital does not check whether the transaction in question is in line with the client's knowledge and experience (appropriateness) or financial circumstances and investment objectives (suitability). In connection with the future placing of orders by the customer, Concept Capital will not reiterate that no adequacy and suitability check will be carried out.

3.2.2 Rights and obligations

In the case of Execution Only, the Client has the right to place orders for the purchase or sale of financial instruments within the scope of the market offer taken into account. Concept Capital has the duty to transmit placed orders for execution with the same diligence that it uses in its own affairs.

Concept Capital shall inform the client without delay of any material circumstances that may affect the correct processing of the order. Furthermore, Concept Capital shall regularly inform the Client about the orders agreed upon and performed.

3.3 Risks

The following risks may arise in connection with the financial services provided by Concept Capital, which are within the client's sphere of risk and must therefore be borne by the client:

  • Risk of the selected investment strategy: The investment strategy selected and agreed upon by the Client may give rise to various risks (cf. below). The client bears these risks in full. A presentation of the risks and a corresponding risk explanation are provided before the investment strategy is agreed on.

  • Substance preservation risk or the risk that the financial instruments in the portfolio depreciate: This risk, which can vary depending on the financial instrument, is borne in full by the client. For the risks of the individual financial instruments, please refer to the brochure «Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments» of the Swiss Bankers Association.

  • Information risk on the part of Concept Capital or the client, or the risk that Concept Capital or the client has too little information to make an informed investment decision:


  • In the case of portfolio management, Concept Capital will take into account the client's financial circumstances and investment objectives. If the client provides Concept Capital with insufficient or inaccurate information regarding his financial circumstances and/or investment objectives, there is a risk that Concept Capital will not be able to make investment decisions that are suitable for the client.


  • In Execution-only, the client makes investment decisions without the intervention of Concept Capital. Accordingly, the client requires specialist knowledge to understand the financial instruments and time to familiarize himself with the financial markets. If the client does not have the necessary knowledge and experience, the client runs the risk of investing in a financial instrument that is inappropriate for him. A lack of or inadequate financial knowledge could also lead to the customer making investment decisions that do not correspond to his financial circumstances and/or investment objectives


  • Risk as a qualified investor in collective investment schemes: Clients who make use of asset management or investment advisory services within the framework of a permanent portfolio management or investment advice relationship are considered as qualified investors within the meaning of the Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA). Qualified investors have access to forms of collective investment schemes that are exclusively open to them. This status allows a broader range of financial instruments to be taken into account. Collective investment schemes for qualified investors may be exempt from regulatory requirements. Such financial instruments are therefore not or only partially subject to Swiss regulations. This may give rise to risks, in particular with regard to liquidity, investment strategy or transparency. Detailed information on the risk profile of a particular collective investment scheme can be found in the constituent documents of the financial instrument and, where applicable, in the basic information sheet and the prospectus.

In the case of Execution Only, the following risks may also arise:

  • Risk regarding the timing of the order placement or the risk that the client chooses a bad time for the order placement, which leads to price losses.

  • Risk of insufficient monitoring or the risk that the client does not monitor his portfolio or monitors it insufficiently: The asset manager does not have a monitoring, warning or clarification obligation at any time. Inadequate monitoring by the client may be associated with various risks, such as cluster risks.


Furthermore, portfolio management may involve risks that lie within the sphere of risk of Concept Capital and for which Concept Capital is liable vis-à-vis the client. Concept Capital has taken appropriate measures to counter these risks, in particular by observing the principle of good faith and the principle of equal treatment when processing client orders. As far as it is within its sphere of influence Concept Capital shall ensure the best possible execution of customer orders.

3.4 Market offer taken into account

The market offer taken into account when selecting the financial instruments compromises own and third party; financial instruments. Within the scope of portfolio management and portfolio-related investment advice, the following financial instruments in particular are available to the client:

  • Account balances with domestic and foreign banks

  • Money market investments

  • Interest-bearing debt securities (bonds, etc.)

  • Equity securities (shares, etc.)

  • Collective investment instruments (investment funds of all standard banking investment instruments, namely securities, indices, real estate, commodities)

  • Alternative investments, non-traditional investments

  • Standardized and non-standardized derivative financial instruments

  • Precious metals

  • Insurance products


In the case of Execution Only, the market offering taken into account in the selection of financial instruments is based on that of the custodian bank selected by the client.

Concept Capital may use derivative products on behalf of its clients. Concept Capital shall only use such products if and to the extent that this is permissible in accordance with the legal, professional and contractual investment regulations applicable in the specific case and taking into account any investment instructions. Derivatives are used in this context to hedge existing securities positions or to build up new securities positions. Derivatives that are traded on a recognized stock exchange or over-the-counter are permitted.

Concept Capital may also use a self-managed products like strategy indices (Actively Managed Certificate, AMC) for its clients if and to the extent that this is permissible in accordance with the applicable statutory, professional and contractual investment regulations in the specific case and taking into account any investment instructions. The use of structured products is associated with special risks, such as issuer and guarantor risks for investors. Concept Capital takes appropriate account of these risks in its risk management and expressly draws the attention of its clients in an appropriate form to the risks associated with the self-managed products offered. The Client is aware that the use of self-managed products may incur additional management fees due to the management at the product level. 


4. Conflicts of Interest

4.1 In general

Conflicts of interest may arise when Concept Capital has an interest in the outcome of a financial service provided to clients that is contrary to that of the Clients.

Possible causes of conflicts of interest are namely:

  • Financial incentives for Concept Capital to carry out certain investment decisions, e.g. compensation from third parties

  • The use of Concept Capital's own products or those of third parties economically linked to him

  • The coincidence of several client orders

  • The coincidence of client orders with Concept Capital's own transactions or those of his employees.

Within the scope of the services provided to the Client, no conflicts of interest arise for Concept Capital which could not be eliminated by countermeasures.

4.2 Compensations from third parties

Concept Capital may receive compensation from third parties (e.g. brokerage fees, commissions, commissions, rebates, kick-backs, finder's fees, portfolio maintenance commissions or other pecuniary benefits) in connection with the provision of its financial services.

In order to avoid potential conflicts of interest in this context, the Concept Capital has taken the following measures to minimize conflicts of interest through compensation from third parties:

  • Contractual regulation specifying the range of the compensation paid by third parties in the individual service contracts;

  • Obligation to disclose compensation from third parties: Upon request, Concept Capital shall inform the Client of the compensation actually received;

  • Concept Capital also agrees with the Client on a performance-related profit share based on the annual performance increase of the total assets under management. This should lead to an alignment of the interests of Concept Capital and the Client.

5. Ombudsman's offices

In the event of disputes, the client may initiate a mediation procedure before the following ombudsman's office:

OFS Ombud Finance Switzerland

16 Boulevard des Tranchées

1206 Genf


+41 22 808 04 51


6. Privacy Policy

Please read the Privacy Policy on our website here.

September 2023

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